SympliFi Rewards You
It’s raining rewards! Every time app users transact or hold a balance in their SympliFi wallet, they earn cash rewards
September 16, 2022

The SympliFi team has been working hard to make the app experience the most rewarding experience possible. 

And we know that you’re working hard to help your friends and family back home, so let us reward YOU! 

That's right, SympliFi app users will now earn:

✅ €/£5 on your first wallet top up

✅ 1% on your available balance*

✅ 5% on the refundable deposits you hold in your wallet to help friends and family back home access credit*

✅ 5% on every airtime transaction

Cash rewards are paid directly into your SympliFi wallet and you’ll get a monthly email summarising your rewards!

Get rewarded so you can do more. It’s a win-win!. GET STARTED


*Reward rates are per annum and are paid on a monthly basis directly to your SympliFi wallet